Aromatherapy is an holistic therapy - it treats the whole person.
Essential Oils are the very "essence" of plants and they do not contain synthetic chemicals as oils are usually extracted using steam, in tinctures or by pressing.
People often ask me what drew me to aromatherapy. I find it a very difficult question to answer because my passion for plants is on so many levels.
I grew up learning about plants and country lore from my granny. Old fashioned stories and remedies were part of my everyday life as a child. I was always encouraged to garden, cook and forage as part of my everyday life. But the area that became the most interesting to me was how plants were (and are) used as medicines. There is evidence of this dating back thousands of years with traces of herbs such as peppermint being found in the Egyptian Pyramids.
Plants such as foxgloves gave us digitalis which is used to treat heart conditions (and still synthesised for modern medicine today) poppies gave us opium and the list goes on. Pretty powerful stuff . “But we don’t use herbal medicine today” I hear you say. Ever rubbed a dock leaf on a nettle sting or put aloe vera oil onto sunburn? That's you using herbal medicine!
Essential oils are the “essence” of plants. The essential oils themselves are extracted from the flower, stem, root or bark of the plant. They have the power of the plant they come from and are extremely effective at helping us with all sorts of issues from anxiety and depression to hormonal imbalance and night flashes via colds and flu.
I’m not suggesting for one moment they are a replacement for modern medicine but, properly used, they can still really help us.
When inhaled, the scent molecules in essential oils travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain via the limbic system.
They particularly impact the amygdala, which is the emotional and memory centre of the brain.
Essential oils can also be absorbed by the skin. They can be added to a massage oil, a pulse point roller or a bath.
To find out more about how I am working in harmony with nature to create my product range, click the button below.
“The room was filled with glorious scent from the moment I opened it. I’m going through menopause and to be honest I didn’t know if this candle could help at all. But I slept better than I had for ages that night after burning it, and felt much less weepy in the morning. It works for me."